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  • April 16, 2018

    Hvordan UKA påvirker karaktersnittet på NTNU

    Har du noen gang lurt på hvilket fag som har det beste snittet på NTNU? Har UKA en påvirkning på hvor bra studentene gjør det? Eller vil du bare vite hvilke fag du burde unngå? Da burde du lese videre! Jeg har sett nærmere på karakterstatistikk fra NTNU i et forsøk på å finne ukjente sammenhenger og årsaker i dataene.

  • September 17, 2017

    Automatic news scraping with Python, Newspaper and Feedparser

    I just recently joined an AI hackathon where we took on the challenging task of trying to recognize fake news. Early on I worked on automatically scraping news articles from various different news sites. I was surprised of how easy this was to implement using a really nice Python library called Newspaper.

  • April 19, 2017

    How to send messages over the internet using UDP and Go

    Go has to be one of the best programming languages to do anything related to networking and communication. Based on a earlier project where me and my friend Adrian controlled elevators over the local network, I will go through a simple program to send messages over the internet using UDP and Go.

  • March 20, 2017

    Building a smart lamp part I: Power consumption and light control

    It's more than two years since I started contemplating the idea of creating a cubical smart lamp with the ability to react to touch input. With a relatively high power consumption, building this lamp ended up being more challenging than planned. In this post I will describe some of the problems I had related to the power consumption and control of my lamp.